Burg Flavoured Coffee, Egg Liqueur 250 g Ground

63,75 DKK with VAT
255,00 DKK / kg
Stock status:
In stock
Delivery estimated between Saturday 15.3. and Wednesday 19.3.
  • A mildly flavoured coffee
  • Egg liqueur flavour
  • Ground coffee
  • 70 % Arabica / 30 % Robusta

Burg coffee flavoured with egg liqueur. When brewing this coffee unfolds a delicate scent and taste of creamy egg liqueur. Also try as refreshing cold brew coffee!

The coffee is flavoured after roasting with a high-quality sugarfree flavour oil, which is approved as flavouring for organic coffee.

The Coffee Roasting House Burg

The Burg coffee roasting house "Kaffeerösterei Burg" in Hamburg has been roasting coffee beans the traditional way in a drum roaster since 1923. Long-term partners supply the Burg coffee roastery with outstanding green coffees.

  • Brand Burg
  • Product number 4474
  • EAN 4004986649464
  • Ground flavoured coffee
  • Egg liqueur flavour
  • 250 g
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Kahvi on hyvää ja laadukasta, mutta tuo munaliköörin maku ei siinä ole niin tunnistettava, kuin olisin toivonut.

Inte så gott som jag hade hoppats på, tyvärr.

Tyvärr var smaken för mäktig för mig. Styrkan i kaffet tar bort den goda ägglikören som en kan ana när en luktar på kaffet.

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