Hario V60 Immersion Dripper Switch Server Set Size 02

449,00 DKK with VAT
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In stock
Delivery estimated between Saturday 15.3. and Wednesday 19.3.
  • The set includes: Glass Switch Dripper, 300 ml glass server and 40 x V60-02 paper filters

Hario Immersion Dripper Switch is a glass coffee dripper with a valve on the bottom. The dripper is the traditional V60 model, and it uses size 02 filter papers. A special steel ball closes the opening in the dripper, making it impossible for water to pour immediately to the server.

After approximately two minutes all you need to do is to press the switch button to enjoy your favorite coffee brew. The switch snaps into open and closed positions, so you don't need to keep it pressed when releasing the coffee.

The Hario Switch Dripper is easy to use, producing good coffee every time. The base recipe is 20 g of medium coarse coffee and 240 g hot water. The immersion time is 2 minutes. You can of course freely experiment with different grinds, brew times and amounts of coffee and water!

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  • Brand Hario
  • Product number 5864
  • EAN 4977642728172
  • Product code SSD-5012-B
  • Glass Switch Dripper V60-02
  • Base: Silicone
  • Switch: PTS
  • Server capacity: 300 ml
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Customer reviews

Hario Switch

Very fast delivery, from Helsinki on a Friday morning to Kilkenny, Ireland on Monday. Great customer service. The switch itself is a really superb brewer, I prefer it to the Clever dripper now and most mornings prefer it to my Aeropress. Easy to use and lots of experimentation to be done if you want. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Coffee guy
the ultimate method?

If you like the coffee from V60 or drip coffee in general this is the perfect method to be consistent every time you make coffee easily. The product is high quality.

Tämä on hyvä!

Mielestäni kerrassaan loistava tuote. Olen käyttänyt mutteripannua/AeroPressiä retkikahvinkeittimenä, mutta tämä on syrjäyttänyt edellämainitut. Muutenkin tästä on tullut naustikelukahvinkeitin. Kunnon pavut, kunnon jauhatus myllyllä pavuista, oikea resepti valmistukseen ja kerrassaan mainio kuppi kahvia on ilo nauttia. Suosittelen tätä. Reseptejä on monia ja kannattaa kokeilla mikä maistuu itsellesi parhaalle. Itse olen käyttänyt tuota James Hoffmanin reseptiä ja en ole vielä muita kokeillut.

Tuote on laadukas, simppeli ja helposti puhtaana pidettävä. Jos sen kuulan sieltä irrottaa, kannattaa se laittaa hyvin jemmaan, ettei se katoa.

Suosittelen lämpimästi.

Amazing and consistent coffee at home - and easy

This product is amazing. If you like drip coffee this is the ultimate tool to have a good and easily reproducible cup of coffee. Ignoring the price this is strictly better then the V60. The real competitors to this are the aeropress and french press where it is also possible to be very consistent and really dial in your coffee, but I personally prefer the taste profile from drip coffee, so this is the best of the best!


Använder detta sätt och det är lagon för en person. Gillar Switchen eftersodm man själv kan välja hur länge det ska bryggas. Dock är dess filter inget att ha.

Bra set

Bra set, förutom de medföljande filter (holländska typen av Hario filter).

Storleken är något liten för att brygga mer än en kopp varm kaffe, till trots för att du borde kunna brygga två koppar med detta setet - men brygger du med is i en karaff/kanna (ej den medföljande) så är storleken perfekt för två koppar.

Hario Switch

Blir väldigt gott med några kaffen på lite grövre malning än v60


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En kopp snabbt

Perfekt när man önskar en god kopp med kaffe. Annorlunda brygg metod, ger ett väl avvägt kaffe som inte sticker ut med några besvärande smaker.

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