Cafelat Robot Barista Manual Espresso Maker

Cafelat Robot Barista Manual Espresso Maker, Orange

3 149,00 DKK with VAT
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Variations (5)

  • Barista model with built in pressure gauge
  • Professional 58 mm stainless steel filter basket
  • Completely plastic-free
  • Handmade, assembled and tested in Hong Kong by Paul Pratt
  • All you need is ground coffee and some hot water from a kettle

The Cafelat Robot Barista is a lever-style home espresso maker. By pushing down on levers, home brewers build up pressure inside the portafilter, dispersion screen, and basket. It uses few parts, no complicated electronics and only premium materials like stainless steel. All the parts for coffee are completely plastic free!

The water and coffee only contact stainless steel, a food grade silicone piston seal and a food grade silicone top pin of the filter screen. All components are tested for food safety. The main body is made from die-cast aluminium and powder coated but does not have any contact with the water or coffee.

What you need to make espresso

All you need is ground coffee, some hot water from a kettle and you are all set. The whole process is simple and takes just a few minutes - no need for any capsule machine and less plastic waste for the landfills.

Pressure gauge

The Robot Barista has a built in pressure gauge which will display the pressure from the basket during extraction. The pressure gauge displays the pressure that you exert with the arms. It does not create the pressure.

VIDEO: How to brew espresso with the Robot (No Tamping):

YouTube Video

VIDEO: How Robot works inside the filter basket:

YouTube Video
  • Brand Cafelat
  • Product number 13225
  • EAN 4897028573793
  • Orange

Inside the box

  • The main body of the Barista Robot with the arms and base assembled
  • Full set of pressure gauge installed
  • 1 portafilter and 1 portafilter spout
  • 1 professional basket
  • 1 tamper
  • 1 stainless steel filter screen
  • 1 bag of filter paper as a replacement of filter screen
  • 1 silicone mat
  • Piston blanking plug and Teflon washer
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Customer reviews

Very happy

I had the Flair NEO, which was a starter machine. I found the workflow a bit fussy, and struggled to get consistent shots with it. I thought of upgrading to the Flair 58, but was concerned after I read that it also was a bit difficult due to the basket size. I am not really a person who will spend hours tinkering and figuring out the nuances...I just want to make a good espresso on a manual machine. So, I read that the Cafelat Robot was a bit easier to use and more forgiving, and did not need preheating for the Medium roast beans I use. So far, I'm very happy. Workflow is much easier, and after only a few days getting good coffee out of it. I think I can still improve it a bit.... lol...

Retro-Futuristic Beauty

I've chosen this model after months of research in the topic of manual lever espresso machines. The Cafelat Robot - designed and manufactured by Mr. Paul Pratt (based on the Baby Faema machine from the 60’s) - is by far the best choice. The whole structure is very massive and well elaborated, very intuitive to use, however the pressure gauge is a helpful guide for beginners. Difficult maintenance, tweaking, preheating is NOT needed (just in very extreme cases: very light roasts or dense, high altitude beans). The machine itself is so cute, that you can easily develop a kind of emotional attachment to it! And of course it makes espresso in such an easy and delicious way that the end product (your daily brew) competes with the coffee made by 1000$+ electricity powered machines!

Love my fire engine red Robot

The Cafelat Robot Barista is a joy to work with.
I love the process of making espresso with it. I chose the barista model with the pressure gauge, because I'm still learning a lot about making espresso. I feel that being able to see what pressure I'm building helps me learn faster so for me it was worth the extra cost. The Robot is easy to clean after use and once you've made the first few espresso easy to work with.

Kehujen veroinen

Olin kuullut Robotista paljon hyvää, mutta en arvannutkaan, miten mainio laite se on.
Laitteella saa uskomattoman tarkasti juuri sellaisen profiilin, kun haluaa. Mutta toisaalta laite on hyvin anteeksiantava.
Olen keittänyt Robotilla elämäni parhaat espressot.

Parempaa kahvaa, tampperia ja paremmin sijoitettua painemittaria olen kaivannut, mutta näiden kanssa pystyy elämään.

Yksinkertainen on kaunista

- koko ja ulkonäkö
- hiljaisuus vrt. sähkökäyttöiset
- work flow on suoraviivainen ja nopea
- laadukas rakenne

- tamppa voisi olla kämmenystävällisempi
- painemittari on ulkonäön puolesta oikeassa paikassa, mutta käytännössä hankala lukea kun painaa shottia koko kropalla.

Mainio manuaalikeitin

Yhdistettynä hyvään myllyyn tämä keitin tekee aivan ylivoimaista espressoa! Erittäin laadukkaasti viimeistelty laite joka varmasti kestää vuosia. Helppo pitää puhtaana ja huoltaa. Helppo ja mukava käyttää jos espressovalmistuksen perusteet ovat hallussa. Osaavissa käsissä lyö samanhintaiset ja kalliimmat pumppukoneet 6-0. Antaisin 5 tähteä jos painemittari olisi sijoitettu hieman paremmin. Nykyisessä paikassa uuttopaineen seuraaminen valmistuksen aikana on hieman hankalaa. Tästä huolimatta erinomaisen espresson valmistus sujuu helposti.

Snygg, lätt att använda och skapar utmärkt espresso

Mina 4 första försök misslyckades men sen har jag lärt mig processen, skapat de godaste espresso jag någonsin smakat.

Känns rejäl, kommer med tydliga instruktioner. Jag är också en person som älskar hantverk och att arbeta med händerna så denna passade mig som handen i handsken.


Enda minuset är att tryckmätaren sitter framåt i stället för uppåt. Hade den varit riktad uppåt hade det varit lättare att se under bryggning. Annars inget att klaga på

En glæde at bruge

Denne manuelle maskine laver dejlige kopper med espresso hver gang - Super produkt!

Cafelat robot ist einfach (+) super

Sehr einfach zu bedienende Espressopresse. Mit etwas Übung gelingen die Espressi hervorragend. Der Manometer hilft, ist aber nicht notwendig, denn mit dem richtigen Mahlgrad und Menge des Kaffeepulvers merkt man den richtigen Pressdruck. Ökologischer gehts kaum. Der Dumper bekam bei mir noch einen Sektkorken. Der Robot ist eine Empfehlung für Kaffeeforschende.

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