How to prepare AeroPress coffee

The AeroPress coffee maker makes delicious coffee easily and quickly. It was invented in 2005 by Aerobie president Alan Adler and has become very popular among passionate coffee enthusiasts. With our guide you can now learn how to brew coffee with the AeroPress. Measure the amount of coffee and water depending on the type of coffee you want. Thanks to its small size and light weight, AeroPress is also excellent for camping trips and travelling. Brewing the perfect coffee has never been so easy!

How to prepare AeroPress coffee:

  1. Insert a paper filter or permanent filter into the AeroPress's detachable plastic cap and twist it into the lower tube section and lock it into place.
  2. Bring 200 g of water to a boil. Weight out 15-18 grams of coffee (depending on your preferred strength). Grind the coffee a bit finer than for filter coffee.
  3. Use some of your hot water to wet your filter. This way the coffee does not get flavoured by the paper filter and it heats up your brewing vessel.
  4. Add the coffee into the AeroPress and pour hot water over the coffee. Depending on the amount of water and coffee you can vary the strength of the coffee.
  5. After a minute has elapsed, stir grounds gently with a spoon.
  6. Press the upper part of the AeroPress only slightly inside the lower part and allow the coffee to extract for 30/60 seconds. It is normal for some coffee to drain through the filter during the extraction.
  7. Remove the top of AeroPress and stir again. Put the top back in place and slowly push it through the tube all the way down. The coffee flows through the bottom of the filter holder directly into the cup. Now is the time to enjoy some great AeroPress coffee!

AeroPress coffee makers & filters:

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