Mokaflor Blu Coffee Beans

Mokaflor Blu 1 kg Coffee Beans

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174,00 DKK with VAT 201,75 DKK
174,00 DKK / kg
Lowest price within 30 days before this discount: 174,00 DKK
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In stock
Delivery estimated between Saturday 15.3. and Wednesday 19.3.


  • Italian espresso coffee
  • 50 % Arabica / 50 % Robusta

Mokaflor Blu is an Italian espresso blend of vigorous body and strong taste with a dense and persistent creaminess. The sweetness of the Brazilian Arabicas combines with the intensity and structure of the Far Eastern Robustas; ideal also for milk based drinks.

The Mokaflor Blu espresso coffee has dark brown colored cream; the body is intense and the bitterness strong. Both balanced by a very pleasant chocolate aroma sweetness. The scents are of bitter cocoa and fine wood scents.

Mokaflor Coffee Roastery

Mokaflor has always been a family business, today in its third generation. Since 1950 their coffees have been roasted in Via delle Torri in Florence, Italy.

Mokaflor is amongst the founding members of International Women's Coffee Alliance (IWCA) Italia. IWCA Italy was created with the aim of supporting and promoting female empowerment throughout the coffee chain and to enhance and encourage the consumption of sustainably grown coffee.

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  • Brand Mokaflor
  • Product number 6570
  • EAN 8006987841324
  • Espresso coffee
  • Whole coffee beans
  • Weight 1 kg
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Customer reviews

Seemed average

An average tasting coffee, I thought, nothing special but nothing to complain about.

Pehmeä ja helppo

Mokaflorin sinisestä on tullut viime vuosina vakiokahvimme aamulatteen. Todella pehmoinen, maukas ja helppo peruskahvi.


Minusta hyvä perus espresso. Hyvä crema.

Hyvä hintalaatu

Oikein hyvä ja suhteellisen vahva, tosin aromikkuus jos sitä on haihtuu sangen nopeasti, mutta ihan kelvollinen ja matala happoinen runsaasti robusta lajiketta sisältävä sekoitus

Melko karvas

Karvauden takia tästä ei tullut oma suosikkini. Muistuttaa raakakaakaon makua.

Mokaflor Blu 250 g Coffee Beans

Pitkästä aikaa Mokaflorin papuja! Tulipa hyvä, täyteläinen espresso cappuccinon pohjaksi. Nettisivuilla sanotaan "miellyttävä kermaisuus" > allekirjoitain tämän!

Pitää tilata näitä toistekin. Hyvä pakkauskoko talouteen, jossa vain yksi juo kahvia.

Hyvä peruskahvi

Hyvä, pähkinäinen ja vähän kaakaoinen tuoksu. Maku sopivan karvas. Tulee hyvää espressoa ja cappuccinoa.

Parasta papukahvia

Keitän suhteessa 1:1,5 painon mukaan. Juon lattena. Paras kahvi, mitä tiedän, enkä muuta nykyisin ostakaan.

It's okay

I wanted to try all the Mokaflor coffees on Crema and opted for a small bag of each one. If your preference is for strong coffee without a bitter taste and something that doesn't linger, then this isn't one to have. It's better as an after-dinner coffee, requiring something not too strong to head off to bed afterwards.

I won't say it's bad because it isn't, but it reminds me of a full-roasted Sumatran coffee or something from Kenya or Ethiopia, where the coffee is weaker. I won't buy it again, but if you like that full roast taste, then this is for you.

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