Flair NEO Flex 2024 Manual Espresso Maker espressomaskine

899,00 DKK inkl. moms
Netbutikkens lager:
0 stk
Forventes på lager:
  • Elektrisk espressokande
  • To forskellige filterholdere - bryg på to måder
  • Integreret trykmåler medfølger
  • En fuldt manuel espressopresse
  • Let polykarbonatramme
Salgsranking I kategorien Manuelle espressomaskiner

Flair NEO Flex espressomaskinen er et ideelt valg for begyndende hjemmebaristaer. Med to forskellige bryggehoveder tilbyder den mulighed for enten hurtig og nem eller mere præcis brygning, hvilket minimerer behovet for ekstra udstyr og effektiviserer processen. NEO Flex giver en budgetvenlig og enkel espressooplevelse.

NEO Flex har to forskellige bryggehoveder:

Flow-Control bryggehoved - Perfekt til espresso-begyndere. Flow-Control bryggehovedet har en begrænset udløbsport, hvilket betyder, at bryggehovedet tager sig af arbejdet med at opbygge det passende tryk, der er nødvendigt for espressoekstraktion.

Bundløst 2-i-1 bryggehoved - Dette bryggehoved kræver en kvalitet espressokaffekværn, men gør det muligt for hjemmebaristaen at kontrollere variablerne for hvert espressoskud.


  • Base
  • Ramme & håndtag
  • Standardbryggehoved med flowkontrol og bundløst 2-i-1 bryggehoved
  • Brugerdefineret trykmåler og stilk
  • Stemplet
  • Pre-varmevering låg
  • Tragt
  • Dosering kop
  • Bryggeguide

BEMÆRK: Når du bruger det bundløse 2-i-1 bryggehoved, er en høj kvalitet espressokaffekværn nødvendig.

  • Mærke Flair
  • Produktnummer 11879
  • Vægt: 3,18 kg
  • Samlede dimensioner: L 29,2 cm x B 19,05 cm x H 26,67 cm
  • Dosis: 12-18 gram
  • Indgangsvandskapacitet: 60 ml
  • Udbytte: op til 45 ml
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Great value - great coffee, decent experience

It makes good espresso. Its lightweight. I'm using this as a nicer albeit less portable espresso maker rather than my Wacaco Picopresso. Light enough to travel with, probably not to hike with.

The machine does flex a lot if you grind too fine and have to push to the upper range, I'm slightly nervous about the back leg lifting while i press down on the front, but using the left hand to stabilise the machine works. And also if you get the grind right so you stay in the middle "espresso" range on the gauge, you won't be pushing so hard.

The funnel and tamper are both plastic, this is the tackiest part of the item. I find dosing the basket and tamping with the provided funnel and tamper is a bit of a scratchy cheap experience. The brew chamber and shower screen feel nice to assemble. I've read about issues with the pressure gauge interfering with the lever - this was not a problem in the unit I received. The handle hinge has a gap which allows the gauge to fit.

The handle is a bit painful if you mess up the grind. Pushing at max pressure for more than a minute becomes a bit painful. I was considering wrapping it in grip tape but then I got my shots dialled in and it stopped being an issue.

It only takes 15g really. You can get 16g if you really try but too hard to do every time. This combined with the tacky plastic tamper and funnel make me wish it had a standard size basket so it could fit 16g and I could swap out the tamper. No big deal at this price.


Purchase and delivery was pretty smooth. Coffee machine is amazing. Highly recommended.

Great espresso at a great price

You can make awesome tasting espresso very easily. I use it with a Hario Mini Mill+ (which is a great starting point until I get some better grinder, but I am currently 100% satisfied -- it will not do with lighter roasts, though) to brew single-shots and ristrettos. It will not make doubles due to limited basket capacity, but I prefer drinking less, more often during the day, so for me it's perfect.

Grate gift

Bought it as a Christmas gift for my dad and it works grate an creates an amazing coffee experience.

Flair NEO Flex 2024 Manual Espresso Maker espressomaskine

Machine abordable, transportable et facile d'utilisation, nombreux accessoires disponibles.

Ist Okay, hätte aber mehr erwartet

Da wir den direkten Vergleich haben muss ich klar sagen das ich die ROK Siebträgermaschine besser im Handling finde. Meine Frau bekommt die Aufguskartusche nur schwer wieder geöffnet. Zum Wandern/Campen und auf Radtouren macht sich aufgrund des Gewichts und des kleineren Packmaßes die Flairmaschine besser. Womit wir allerdings wieder bei der Wertigkeit wären, die ROK wirkt wirklich unzerstörbar, die Flair knarzt schon ganz schön laut wenn man dich einen Espreso macht.

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