Torani Puremade Vanilla sirup 750 ml

96,80 DKK inkl. moms 111,75 DKK
129,10 DKK / l
Laveste pris 30 dage før kampagnen: 96,80 DKK
Netbutikkens lager:
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Levering forventet mellem fredag 14.3. og tirsdag 18.3.
  • Sirup med smag af vanilje
  • Ingen Kunstige Konserveringsmidler
  • Ingen Kunstige Farvestoffer
  • Ingen Kunstige Smagsstoffer
  • GMO-fri
Salgsranking I kategorien Torani smagsirup

Torani Puremade Vanilla -smagssiruppen har en blød og cremet vaniljesmag, der minder om sød italiensk gelato. GMO-fri uden kunstige smagsstoffer, farvestoffer eller konserveringsmidler - den perfekte sirup til at smagsætte hjemmelavet sodavand, teer, lemonader og cocktails.

Toranis Puremade-sirupper blev født takket være en efterspørgsel på mere naturlige, rene produkter uden at gå på kompromis med den fantastiske smag.


Rent rørsukker, vand, naturlige smagsgivere, citronsyre.

  • Mærke Torani
  • Produktnummer 11077
  • Sirup med smag af vanilje
  • 750 ml
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Torani Puremade Vanilla sirup 750 ml

Hyvänmakuinen siirappi! Vaniljan aromi ehkä hivenen turhan mieto omaan makuuni, mutta toimii juoman makeuttajana.

Erinomainen, luonnollinen makusiirappi

Hyvänmakuinen vaniljasiirappi

Purely personal preference, it's good but doesn't suit my taste buds.

First I want to say that Torani Vanilla Syrup is still a good product. it just doesn't work for my preferred mouthfeel and taste buds.

Torani went for a very minimalist no-additives recipe, which may actually suit those of you who prefer that philosophy in their diet. It is literally just cane sugar, water, vanilla flavour and citric acid. It lives up to the "Puremade" in the name.

So what it doesn't have is Xantham gum, which would make the syrup "thicker" and I happen to like the mouthfeel of that. It has a small thickening effect on my lattes as well and makes it easier to control doses. The first time I poured this Torani, it splashed everywhere because it flowed like water and not like a syrup. I strongly recommend getting one of those stainless steel pouring spouts you can buy for liquor bottles. They are your best friend with syrup bottles!

In terms of taste, the vanilla flavouring is much more subdued and in the background and it is the cane sugar flavour that dominates and takes centre stage. For me I like a confident vanilla flavour but without an "oversweetness" and chemical aftertaste. Against my personal preference, Torani is a bit too far the other way.

That said, I will happily adjust my latte mix and finish off the bottle.

A clean, "real" syrup flavour

Very happy with an option that strives to be natural and wish only that it came in more flavours.

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