Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR espressokaffekværn

Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR espressokaffekværn, hvid

3 219,00 DKK inkl. moms
Netbutikkens lager:
På lager
Levering forventet mellem tirsdag 18.3. og lørdag 22.3.


  • On/Off Aktivering
  • 55 mm flade hærdede stål bøsser
  • Espresso, tyrkisk & espressokande
  • Stille teknologi
  • Ekstra Komfort Knop
  • Trinløs mikrometrisk reguleringssystem
  • Anti-klump & elektrostatisk system
  • Justérbar Alt-i-én gaffel
  • 230 V version
Salgsranking I kategorien Elektriske espressokværne

Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR-kaffekværnen har 55 mm maleplader i hærdet stål, specifikt designet til espressokaffemaling. Kværnen har On/Off aktivering, uden at knappen konstant skal trykkes ned. Trinløs mikrometrisk justeringssystem (patenteret af Eureka), med en større justeringsknap og vertikal måleskala for øget brugervenlighed.

Stille teknologi
Den eksklusive anti-vibrationsløsning reducerer malestøjen med cirka 20 dB sammenlignet med konventionelle kaffekværne.

Anti-Clumps & Electrostaticity
ACE-systemet er designet til at forhindre klumper og fjerne den statiske opladning af det malede kaffe. ACE-systemet garanterer en uovertruffen konsistens i doseringen takket være reguleringen af kaffeflowet.

Trinløs mikrometrisk justeringssystem (patenteret af Eureka)
Garanti for justeringspræcision, som sparer både tid og kaffe
Mikrometrisk justeringssystem med uendelige indstillingspunkter. Det enestående justeringssystem, det eneste af sin slags baseret på ompositionering af de nedre kværneknive, garanterer maleresultatet og gør det muligt at udføre vedligeholdelsesoperationer uden at indstillingen af malegraden forsvinder.


  • Mignon Single Dose-bønnebeholder
  • Mignon Single Dose Blow Up-rengøring
  • Doseringsskål

YouTube Video
  • Mærke Eureka 1920
  • Produktnummer 10729
  • EAN 8056600014253
  • Produktkode EMZ55M23MSIJ00000101
  • Farve: Hvid


  • Type: Flad
  • Diameter: 55 mm
  • Materiale: Hærdet stål


  • Trækkraft: Direkte
  • Omdrejninger pr. minut: 1350
  • Effekt: 310 W
  • Forsyning: Enkeltfaset


  • Trinløs mikrometrisk justering
  • Kapacitet for bønnehopper: 45 gr
  • Produktivitet (g/s): 1.2- 1.8


  • Højde: 350 mm

  • Bredde: 180 mm

  • Dybde: 120 mm

  • Vægt: 5,6 kg

  • Europæisk stik med to ben (Schuko)

  • 230 V version

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Very bad quality

Worked for just one grind before breaking down.
After contacting Cremashop support, they got in contact with Eureka and told me to open the machine up to check the electronics.
Upon inspection one of the cable joiners was badly inserted and bent, making contact just by chance when I tried it initially.
I reseated the cable joiners and the machine worked afterwards.
After zeroing it in, I tried to pull a few shots but the grind is to coarse. I can't get over 3bar on the espresso machine with the grinder on the lowest setting before the burrs touch.
Considering that the support advice was previously to open it up, I also took a look at the burrs and they are completely misaligned, both the upper and the lower one.
I highly regret my purchase decision.

Update: after 4 hours of cutting aluminum foil shims and screwing and unscrewing the burrs in order to align them, i managed to make the machine grind fine enough to chole the espresso machine. Even so, I can't recommend it to anyone.

Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR espressokaffekværn, hvid

Uppgraderade från en Graef CM800 som ändrade malningsinställning vid varje rengöring vilket fick mig att byta till Eureka Mignon som behåller inställningen, slösar alltså bort mindre kaffe. Eftersom jag kört single-dose på Grafen så föll valet på Zero'n. Bälgen fungerar bra, kan hoppa av vid nåt enstaka tillfälle, får för det mesta ut hela bönvikten, nån gång fattas 0.1 g. Plus också för den låga ljudnivån i förhållande till Graefen. Enda möjliga invändningen är att få till fininställningen för malningsgrad som är lite svår att göra. En större ratt med fler distinkta malningsgrader vore önskvärt.

Perfect Grinder at the price point

Beautiful grinder! Super sexy on the counter top, lovely workflow, really quiet and super consistent grind. Couldn't recommend it more for the price point


I'm kind of new to home brewing and I'm sure this is considered by pros to be a starter home unit but for me this is a HUGE upgrade, the coffee tasted dramatically better and I'm super happy with the purchase. It doesn't hurt that I find it to be a really good looking machine as well.

Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR espressokaffekværn, sort

Wonderful grinder for espresso. It works well with my 9 barista.

Eureka Mignon Zero 16CR espressokaffekværn, hvid

Awesome product, great service. Thank you

It's a winner

This was an upgrade from a much worse grinder so I'm a bit biased but it does exactly what I want - it grinds the coffee quickly and quietly, with no measurable retention. I get great shots from it.

A jewel in my kitchen

I have recently purchased the machine and I am extremely satisfied with it. It is a silent as they promised it to be. All the parts feel polished, high quality, sturdy. The design is simple and humble. It perfectly matches the country/shabby-chic look of my kitchen. But the straight lines make it fitting possibly in any type of kitchen design.
The quality of the grind is fantastic, and I never loose a single bit due to the machine efficiency. It massively bumped my coffee experience.

Wonderful italian coffee-grinding tank

Very heavy solid metal white box. Espresso is great. Retention, for now, was

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