Fellow Joey keramisk dobbeltvægget kop 240 ml (8 oz)

Fellow Joey dobbeltvægget keramisk kaffekop 240 ml, hvid

261,75 DKK inkl. moms
Netbutikkens lager:
0 stk
Forventes på lager:


  • Keramisk kaffekop
  • Dobbeltvæg
  • Sleek kobber bund
  • Materialer: keramik, belagt rustfrit stål
  • Kun håndvask
Salgsranking I kategorien Kaffekopper

Fellow Joey Double Wall Ceramic Mug er smokingen blandt kaffekopper. Det koniske design gør koppen nem at gribe, og den dobbeltvæggede konstruktion holder ydersiden kølig og kondensfri. Joey-koppen er beregnet til kaffe, men fungerer også meget godt med andre drikkevarer.

Dobbelt væg - Bedre varmebestandighed og ingen ekstern kondens.

Stilfuld kobber bund - Lidt hverdagsluksus skader aldrig.

Rengøring: Tåler ikke opvaskemaskine. Vask med varmt sæbevand. Brug ikke slibende sæber, rengøringsmidler eller skure svampe.

  • Mærke Fellow
  • Produktnummer 11684
  • Hvid
  • Volumen: 240 ml (8 oz)
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Fellow Joey dobbeltvægget keramisk kaffekop 240 ml, sort

Forkert design ikke til at holde på

hieno, mutta suuaukko liian pieni

hieno muki, sopivan kokoinen käteen, mutta suuaukko on kaksi milliä liian kapea. aeropressiä ei voi tehdä suoraan kuppiin - ei perusfiltterillä eikä fellowin omalla prismolla.


The most beautiful coffee cup I ever had, but also keeps it warm for longer and the coffee tastes better. It's heavy and feels great to the touch.

A cup full of "Hugge"

Good quality product, does not alter the taste of coffee/tea, very good thermal properties.


the mug is beautiful but as others said b4 me: it's big so you need 2 hands to hold it....
I first thought I had to pay customs but I was wrong...it was another delivery that I mixed up..so no customs with the crema site 👌🏻


Hello! Thank you for your feedback! As both our storage and the shipping destination seem to belong in EU, there should not be any surprise customs or taxes or such applied. Could you please contact our customer service, so we can help you with this matter?

A bit big for small hands ;o)

The cup is voluminous and may well be a little big for small hands. This in turn makes it impossible to hold with one hand.
On the other hand, it is aesthetically extremely beautiful and to maintain the quality and beauty, it is essential that it is not put in the dishwasher.
For some, this may be a shortcoming; they should then look for another cup.
The price, well, if you want something, give something.

A bit big for small hands ;o)

The cup is voluminous and may well be a little big for small hands. This in turn makes it impossible to hold with one hand.
On the other hand, it is aesthetically extremely beautiful and to maintain the quality and beauty, it is essential that it is not put in the dishwasher.
For some, this may be a shortcoming; they should then look for another cup.
The price, well, if you want something, give something.

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